the website pool should not be divided. Instead access to information
should be accomplished by different means.

I dump all my code snippets or running prof of concepts, what I
otherwise would forget, into one directory and find these old samples
later either by file naming or via grep. The naming I use is a category
like 'pic' or 'mom' and some keys (topics) I want the file to be found

This way categories emerge by itself. They may be subdivided if hits
become crowded.

That has the advantage of being easy going. No web forms, no clicking
around, no website to build up again and again. Just name a file,
upload, forget, search later but knowing if not found its nowhere else.

Well a website is not a directory. Also of cause it may become more
complicated for a multi user setup. I do not know if the web can do
that or if another technology is more suited.

On Sat, 16 Dec 2023 14:57:33 -0500
Peter Schaffter <> wrote:
> If such a website were to exist, it should be divided into
> categories by the primary macro set used, with an additional
> category "pure groff" for user-written DIY solutions.  The mom
> macros, for example, handle everything in your list with ease
> (except text around images/quotes), but it would be misleading to
> post a mom example as *the* way to accomplish something with groff.
> Take margin notes.  If using mom, they are added with the MN macro.
> If using ms, they require Werner Lemberg's standalone margin notes
> macros.  Showing "that groff can do this" isn't really useful;
> groff can handle just about any typographic challenge.  Showing
> examples of *the ways it can be done* strikes me as better.

This robustness level is a class of its own. Learning from it however
may be hard. Aiming for robustness neglects education.

With this in mind, to address categories a naming convention would be
handy. However searching the content should be possible independently
of category.

> > Has anyone achieved flowing text around an image or text box, I
> > would love to know? (I have seen discussion on this topic, but no
> > examples).  
> To my knowledge, no one has achieved this with any degree of
> robustness.  I can be done "by hand" on a case-by-case basis, but I
> doubt that's what you want.  I've made several stabs at it
> but have never come up with a solution sturdy enough to go into the
> mom macros.  Left or right aligned images/quotes don't present much
> of a problem for floating text, neither do columns with cutouts for
> images.  However, floating justified text around an image is a whole
> 'nother ball of wax.

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