> A showcase as like at a trade show?

> I think it would be better to have easy to understand single topic
prove-of-concepts samples, a bin to throw in and a whatever-grep-
function for searching.

My original thought was:

Is there a website where the various document layouts and visual
capabilities of groff are displayed?

- Drop caps
- Text in the margin
- Text around an image or quote
- Graphical title pages
- Background images
- Coloured backgrounds
- Custom bullet points
- Coloured text boxes
- Custom paper sizes

I have found information on technical aspects of groff and people here
have been kind enough to point me toward some useful online resources.

However, I have not seen any resources which focus on the visual

This would allow people, including myself, to see at a glance how groff
visually stacks up against word processors, LaTeX and desktop
publishing software. To see if groff is the right choice for their

I am, currently, exploring to find the visual boundaries of the
software and any help from groff users would be appreciated.

Has anyone achieved flowing text around an image or text box, I would
love to know? (I have seen discussion on this topic, but no examples).


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