[looping groff@gnu discussion list] At 2023-02-25T13:53:35-0700, Brian Inglis wrote: > > Just another data point for issues with long -man page multi-"page" > > tables not rendering on non-tty devices/file formats. [...] > Still issues with latest man/tbl/groff-rc3 rendering of long tables on > HTML outputs.
Unfortunately, this is not a surprise. It also is not a regression since groff 1.22.4, at least not for me--if you have a groff that handles this correctly, I'm intensely interested to have a look at the patches! > Try any apropos {cp125{1,2},iso{-,_}8859-{1..16},latin{1..10}} charset > encoding like man -H latin1 or groff equivalent and only last "page" > of table renders. Yes. I don't have a better assessment for this situation than "it sucks". I think the best way forward on this is Savannah #60052. https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?60052 > At least man -Tps generates decent table content. I believe _all_ other groff output devices render tbl(1) output correctly, modulo some known minor nits in nroff mode, which can be seen at the following URL. https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?go_report=Apply&group=groff&func=browse&set=custom&msort=0&report_id=100&advsrch=0&status_id=1&resolution_id=0&assigned_to=0&category_id=109&bug_group_id=0&history_search=0&history_field=0&history_event=modified&history_date_dayfd=25&history_date_monthfd=2&history_date_yearfd=2023&chunksz=50&spamscore=5&boxoptionwanted=1#options I'll file a ticket for this one though, as we don't seem to have one for it. Regards, Branden
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