On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 01:38:35PM -0400, Peter Schaffter wrote: > I recently discovered that documents with .so'd files containing > non-ASCII input require preprocessing with soelim(1). If we have > > file: source > .pl 1v > .ds FOO àéîöù > > file: main > .so source > .nop \*[FOO] > > running > groff -Tutf8 -k main > spits out garbage, whereas > soelim main | groff -Tutf8 -k > correctly renders string FOO. > > soelim(1) doesn't mention utf8 input, merely > "It is useful if files included with .so need to be preprocessed." > > Since it is non-evident that utf8 input (as opposed to inputting > named glyphs) in sourced files needs to be preprocessed (i.e. > with soelim), saying something about it in the manpage would be > helpful. I'm fairly certain most users, on reading "...need to be > preprocessed" think tbl, pic, eqn, grap, chem..., not utf8 input. > > Now, the '-s' flag issue... Unless I am misunderstanding or > misreading something, > soelim main | groff -Tutf8 -k > and > groff -Tutf8 -ks main > should produce identical output, however the -s flag is ignored and > groff spits out garbage. What's up? > > -- > Peter Schaffter > https://www.schaffter.ca >
This is bug #59442 (groff.cpp: move soelim before preconv in constructed pipeline), which Ingo Swartze and Brandon have kept unsolved, changed the "Category" (see History at the bottom of the bug web pages), and thus forced others to rediscover the bug (not a feature) and thus waste peoples time. And postpone to make current (at each time) state public. This is almost a two years old bug and to inhibit bug fixing, publication and thus testing time is a purpose. What is the meaning of a "Wish" Category? Every bug report is a wish! (for attention?). People can add this simple patch and start using it (they do not need a permission, neither from Ingo Swartze nor from G. Branden Robinson). How do you test something that is not there? Why is there no test to check the correct working of the current state of pipelines with a ".so <file with utf-8 characters>" line in an input file? What has the behaviour of Ingo Swartze cost you (single and plural)? and what saved you (also single and plural)? In the attachments are files "latin1.utf8" and "latin1" which can serve as test files. ----- commit 32d30bef7168bbc4f080cb24e0dfb8e78308884c Author: Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarn...@rhi.hi.is> Date: Tue Nov 10 14:12:05 2020 +0000 Subject: groff.cpp: correct the order of preprocessors in the pipeline src/roff/groff/groff.cpp: correct the order of preprocessors in the pipeline. The "soelim" command must be the first in the pipeline to incorporate all sourced files into the input file, before it is sent to the next command. Change the order from "preconv, soelim, refer" to "soelim, preconv, refer". Signed-off-by: Bjarni Ingi Gislason <bjarn...@rhi.hi.is> diff --git a/src/roff/groff/groff.cpp b/src/roff/groff/groff.cpp index f568ac029..cd61dbd07 100644 --- a/src/roff/groff/groff.cpp +++ b/src/roff/groff/groff.cpp @@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ extern "C" { // grap, chem, and ideal must come before pic; // tbl must come before eqn -const int PRECONV_INDEX = 0; -const int SOELIM_INDEX = PRECONV_INDEX + 1; -const int REFER_INDEX = SOELIM_INDEX + 1; +// soelim must come first to complete the input file for the later +// commands in the pipeline +const int SOELIM_INDEX = 0; +const int PRECONV_INDEX = SOELIM_INDEX +1; +const int REFER_INDEX = PRECONV_INDEX + 1; const int GRAP_INDEX = REFER_INDEX + 1; const int CHEM_INDEX = GRAP_INDEX + 1; const int IDEAL_INDEX = CHEM_INDEX + 1; ---- "This second radical novelty shares the usual fate of all radical novelties: it is denied, because its truth would be too discomforting. I have no idea what this specific denial and disbelief costs the United States, but a million dollars a day seems a modest guess." Page xxix in: On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computing Science Edsger W. Dykstra (Dijkstra) SIGCSE Bulletin 1989, 21(1), Pages xxv-xxxix. Also "www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/" # "Since breaking out of bad habits, rather than acquiring new ones, is the toughest part of learning we must expect from that system permanent mental damage for most students exposed to it." Page xxxvii in: On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computing Science Edsger W. Dykstra (Dijkstra) SIGCSE Bulletin 1989, 21(1), Pages xxv-xxxix. Also "www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/" # "The problems of the real world are primarily those you are left with when you refuse to apply their effective solutions." Page xxxviii í: On the Cruelty of Really Teaching Computing Science Edsger W. Dykstra (Dijkstra) SIGCSE Bulletin 1989, 21(1), Pages xxv-xxxix. Also "www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/" #
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