I recently discovered that documents with .so'd files containing non-ASCII input require preprocessing with soelim(1). If we have
file: source .pl 1v .ds FOO àéîöù file: main .so source .nop \*[FOO] running groff -Tutf8 -k main spits out garbage, whereas soelim main | groff -Tutf8 -k correctly renders string FOO. soelim(1) doesn't mention utf8 input, merely "It is useful if files included with .so need to be preprocessed." Since it is non-evident that utf8 input (as opposed to inputting named glyphs) in sourced files needs to be preprocessed (i.e. with soelim), saying something about it in the manpage would be helpful. I'm fairly certain most users, on reading "...need to be preprocessed" think tbl, pic, eqn, grap, chem..., not utf8 input. Now, the '-s' flag issue... Unless I am misunderstanding or misreading something, soelim main | groff -Tutf8 -k and groff -Tutf8 -ks main should produce identical output, however the -s flag is ignored and groff spits out garbage. What's up? -- Peter Schaffter https://www.schaffter.ca