Hi, Nate!

At 2022-07-25T08:39:54-0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Sometimes I scan a document and enter proof reading mode.

That happens to me all the time!

>I submit this small patch to remove a misplaced 'the':
> --------------------8<-------------------------------
> $ diff -u ms-1.ms ms-edited.ms 
> --- ms-1.ms   2022-07-24 12:58:02.997175471 -0500
> +++ ms-edited.ms      2022-07-24 13:06:10.311896186 -0500
> @@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
>  .CW \[rs]&
>  if they are at the beginning of an input line
>  (or might become that way in editing)
> -to prevent the them from being interpreted as macro calls or requests.
> +to prevent them from being interpreted as macro calls or requests.
>  .
>  Suffix
>  .CW . ,
> -------------------->8-------------------------------
> Also, in section 5.8 the sentence introducing boxed keeps seems awkward
> to me:
>       A keep have a frame drawn around it; this is called a boxed
>       keep.

I left out the word "can" here.

> Perhaps a more simple introduction would be:
>       A boxed keep has a frame drawn around it.
> Too simple?

I'll double check the context but this looks like a better fix than
patching a word.

> Thanks to Larry and you for nice introduction to ms.

Larry set an excellent example to follow.

I've seen Alejandro and other people express some shyness about making
the jump from writing in man(7) to more general typesetting with groff.
I've tried my best to ensure that this document can bring people up from
no knowledge beyond how to use a text editor, to being comfortable with
the full breadth of ms(7) features.

Thank you for the review.


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