At 2022-07-25T01:40:28+0000, DJ Chase wrote:
> On Sun Jul 24, 2022 at 12:11 PM EDT, G. Branden Robinson wrote:
> > Apropos of our conversation, I recommend the 'ms.2022-07-24.pdf'
> > document, and 'groff.2022-07-24.pdf', specifically the beginning of
> > chapter 5, "gtroff Reference".
> I’ve read ms.2022-07-24.pdf — I loved it! The examples and
> descriptions are so clear and concise.

I'm thrilled to hear it.  I know my emails can be criticizes as lacking
these qualities to varying degree.

Thanks to Nate Bargmann, the concision is about to increase further. :D

> My only critique is that you may want to embed the fonts when
> distributing to prevent missing character issues.

Good point.  Except for the PDF docs that are already produced by the
build, I constructed these files with an ad hoc personal script, and
since I never had missing glyph problems I never considered that point.

Expect to see this change soon.


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