On 3/20/21, G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I _think_ I've clarified this in 8cb33910 (groff Git HEAD) as of this
> writing.

Thanks, Branden.  These changes look good.

There are still a couple places left to update in the .ss section:

"The optional second argument sets the amount of additional space
separating sentences on the same output line in fill mode."

"Additional inter-sentence spacing is used only in fill mode"

While I was in the neighborhood, I also noticed this:

"[The .ss request's] units are twelfths of the space width parameter
of the current font."  It seems to me this should be merely "twelfths
of the space width of the current font," right?  The space width isn't
really a parameter (at least from a user's perspective) but is set in
the font file.

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