Michael Pirkola wrote in <20200717123254.3aff0148@walrus>: |On Sat, 11 Jul 2020 09:28:45 +0100 |Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> wrote: | |> On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 11:26:46AM -0400, Steve Izma wrote: |>> I think it's an abomination that a man page extends it's line |>> length to fit the width of the terminal; built into the macros |>> should be a 65- or 70 character maximum width. |> |> I'd be willing to take a bug report about the way that man-db does |> this by default; it's a change I adopted from Andries Brouwer's man |> way back in 2001, and I'm certainly prepared to entertain the idea |> that a change I made nearly half my life ago might have been wrong. |> (However, I would like it as a bug report on e.g. |> https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=man-db rather than buried in a |> mailing list thread, because my ability to keep track of random |> threads isn't quite what it used to be.) |> | |While I agree that a shorter line length is more readable, I frequently |exit a manpage, maximise the terminal window, then reopen it when my |goal is to quickly scan the page for a relevant option. I find argument |lists in particular much easier to look through when they take up fewer |lines. Manpages in particular are less likely to have large paragraphs |of text, and a long line length commonly reduces an entire topic to a |single line which I also find more convenient. | |Just my 2¢.
I also have $MANWIDTH set for long. $ man man|grep -A 8 MANWIDTH MANWIDTH If $MANWIDTH is set, its value is used as the line length for which manual pages should be formatted. If it is not set, man‐ ual pages will be formatted with a line length appropriate to the current terminal (using the value of $COLUMNS, and ioctl(2) if available, or falling back to 80 characters if neither is available). Cat pages will only be saved when the default for‐ matting can be used, that is when the terminal line length is between 66 and 80 characters. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)