On 6/16/20, B 9 <hacke...@member.fsf.org> wrote: > I had thought it funny that the mdoc man page was part of the kernel > documentation! I hope groff is adding a replacment mdoc(7) page. I > felt like those two pages were quite complementary. mdoc(7) was a well > organized, easy to understand quick reference guide that gave the most > important information first. For a troff-novice like me, it was a good > way to get a handle on how to use mdoc without having to learn > everything. I might have given up before even starting without it. On > the other hand, groff_mdoc(7) is the "complete reference manual" which > was helpful when I wanted to lookup something specific.
There's no page corresponding to the mdoc(7) you speak of in the current groff repository in git (http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/groff.git/tree/man). Any shortcomings in groff's documentation should be reported at the groff bug tracker (http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?group=groff); a mere mention on this list means it's likely to be later forgotten. You can create an account in this bug tracker, but opening a new bug report doesn't require one, so there's a low barrier to entry.