Hi Ralph,

Ralph Corderoy wrote on Mon, Feb 18, 2019 at 12:23:00PM +0000:
> Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>> Somebody (i think Ralph) wrote:

>>> Due to some, all?, man renderers trying to keep a shell backquote as
>>> a paste-able backquote, for example.
>>>     .\" For UTF-8, map some characters conservatively for the sake
>>>     .\" of easy cut and paste.
>>>     .
>>>     .if '\*[.T]'utf8' \{\
>>>     .  rchar \- - ' `
>>>     .
>>>     .  char \- \N'45'
>>>     .  char  - \N'45'
>>>     .  char  ' \N'39'
>>>     .  char  ` \N'96'
>>>     .\}

>> Exactly.  Which reinforces my point that you have to use \(oq to get a
>> left single quote in man(7).

> But is that because the `.char' above are hiding faults in man pages
> rather than leaving the pressure there for them to be fixed upstream?
> The man page source is troff and so `' should be usable in English
> prose.

Arguably, yes and yes.  I certainly agree that in roff(7) input in
general, writing a single-quoted string in English prose as `foo'
is valid markup and, to make an even stronger statement, marking
it up that way is good roff(7) style.

> The more noisy escapes should only be needed for the odd bit of
> verbatim computer reproduction.

I'm not fully convinced i agree with that, for the specific document
class of manual pages.  On the one hand, in manual pages, verbatim
quotations of computer code are not "odd bits", but a very common
and important task.  They should be easy to write for manual page
authors, and requiring authors to wade through source code samples
they put into manual pages and encode every instance of ` as \(ga
implies a burden, and a risk of breaking the example code, either
by incorrect or by forgotten replacements.  But what matters more
than the question of whether we *should* ask authors to do such
replacements is that currently, we do not, because the manual page
macros sets have for quite some time been exempting manual pages
from the general rule "` means opening quote", stipulating "` means
ASCII 0x60" instead.

It's exactly the same question as for hyphen/minus.
In roff(7) in general, - unambiguously means "hyphen" and not "minus".
But in manual pages, the macros instead stipulate "- means ASCII 0x2d

But in the present thread, the question is not so much "how should
authors *encode* opening quotes", but more "how should unambiguously
marked-up opening quotes be rendered to ASCII".

>>> Whom is this change is meant to benefit?  I've lost track.

>> People reading roff(7) documents with nroff(1) or man(1) in a terminal
>> window while they have LC_CTYPE=C set and while they are using a
>> modern font.

> Colin pointed out that remote machines may not support his locale so
> he's forced into LC_CTYPE=C sometimes.  However, that's presumably just
> for the odd bit of command-line work as lack of UTF-8 could affect might
> more than just reading a man page given non-ASCII in source comments,
> collating order and multi-byte sequences affecting searching, etc.


On the other hand, in such a situation, you are almost always working
only with files that are ASCII-only in the first place.  Or if you do
work with locale-encoded files, you better make sure that you have the
correct locale on both sides, or you are indeed in for bad trouble.
(Having non-ASCII bytes in source code would be utter stupidity in the
first place.)

The point here is that even if everything is just ASCII, Colin (and
others) sometimes see this kind of minor ugliness in everyday life.

> I normally use UTF-8.  I have ~/bin/C that does
>     LC_ALL=C LANG=C exec -- "$@"
> to run particular commands in that locale, e.g. for speed.  I think if I
> switched wholesale to the C locale for a terminal or session then I
> would accept seeing `foo' rather than 'foo' as an attribute of that
> locale rather than trying to force it to look like Unicode.

Accept, yes, no doubt; and certainly, there is no silver bullet to make
ASCII look like Unicode.

> More important than `fixing' this IMO is having man pages that can be
> input in an easy manner for simple things, e.g. `' in prose, and have
> the output be good for the device used, i.e. ‘’.

No doubt about that, but that's orthogonal to the patch.


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