Hi Ingo,

> > Due to some, all?, man renderers trying to keep a shell backquote as
> > a paste-able backquote, for example.
> > 
> >     .\" For UTF-8, map some characters conservatively for the sake
> >     .\" of easy cut and paste.
> >     .
> >     .if '\*[.T]'utf8' \{\
> >     .  rchar \- - ' `
> >     .
> >     .  char \- \N'45'
> >     .  char  - \N'45'
> >     .  char  ' \N'39'
> >     .  char  ` \N'96'
> >     .\}
> Exactly.  Which reinforces my point that you have to use \(oq to get a
> left single quote in man(7).

But is that because the `.char' above are hiding faults in man pages
rather than leaving the pressure there for them to be fixed upstream?
The man page source is troff and so `' should be usable in English
prose.  The more noisy escapes should only be needed for the odd bit of
verbatim computer reproduction.

With the above .char in the system's an-old.tmac, I get

    $ grep -w backsl foo.1
    `ascii' \`backsl\` \(gaga\(ga \(oqoq-cq\(cq \(aqaq\(aq
    $ for t in ascii latin1 utf8; do
    >     man -T$t ./foo.1
    > done |
    > grep -w backsl |
    > uniq -c
          2        `ascii' `backsl` `ga` `oq-cq' 'aq'
          1        `ascii' `backsl` `ga` ‘oq-cq’ 'aq'

Copying an-old.tmac to $HOME so it get picked up first, and deleting the
above .char does not change -Tutf8's output.  I don't know why not.
Removing the .rchar too does change the ASCII left quote's rendering,
but not the right.

      ‘ascii' `backsl` `ga` ‘oq-cq’ 'aq'

> > Whom is this change is meant to benefit?  I've lost track.
> People reading roff(7) documents with nroff(1) or man(1) in a terminal
> window while they have LC_CTYPE=C set and while they are using a
> modern font.

Colin pointed out that remote machines may not support his locale so
he's forced into LC_CTYPE=C sometimes.  However, that's presumably just
for the odd bit of command-line work as lack of UTF-8 could affect might
more than just reading a man page given non-ASCII in source comments,
collating order and multi-byte sequences affecting searching, etc.

> > Could it be those that will see ASCII output in practice align with
> > those that are happy to stick with seeing «`'»?
> Besides, LC_CTYPE is not merely a personal choice, but there are
> technical reasons to sometimes use a UTF-8 LC_CTYPE (for example when
> working on UTF-8-encoded natural language text files from the shell
> with basic POSIX tools) and for the same person to use LC_CTYPE=C in
> different contexts (for example when working on a build system).  The
> latter situation is what caused people to repeatedly report what they
> perceived as "the `quoting' oddity" to me in the past: people who
> normally use UTF-8 but sometimes switch to LC_CTYPE=C for specific
> tasks (like Ted Unangst or Anthony Bentley, if i understand
> correctly).

I normally use UTF-8.  I have ~/bin/C that does
    LC_ALL=C LANG=C exec -- "$@"
to run particular commands in that locale, e.g. for speed.  I think if I
switched wholesale to the C locale for a terminal or session then I
would accept seeing `foo' rather than 'foo' as an attribute of that
locale rather than trying to force it to look like Unicode.

Cheers, Ralph.

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