Hi Colin, Colin Watson wrote on Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 04:18:29PM +0000:
> Would any mdoc folks like to have a look at this? Details differ in > 1.22.4 and this patch doesn't quite apply directly, That's not a problem; if we decide that we want to change it, i can easily apply the patch by hand. > but much the same problem exists; page numbers are printed on the left > of odd-numbered pages and on the right of even-numbered pages, Isn't that what one would most often want? When somebody prints a manual page putting two virtual pages side-by-side on each sheet in landscape orientation, then page 1 ends up on the left side and page 2 on the right side of the first sheet, so the odd numbers should be on the left, as indeed they are. > when one would normally expect the opposite. In a book or journal, yes, assuming the usual convention that "a la une" is the outside of the front cover and page 2 is the inside of the front cover. However, the command groff -man -rD1 -Tps ssh_config.5 Does not produce any document that could be printed as a book or journal; in particular, it generates no title page, and the main text starts right on page 1. So i don't see how the argument about books or journals could apply. Maybe we should change the man macros rather than the mdoc macros? Yours, Ingo