Ingo Schwarze <> wrote:
 |Carsten Kunze Heirloom wrote on Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 12:31:02PM +0200:
 |> the problem in the document is the missing "-width" argument for .Bl.
 |> From groff_mdoc:
 |> If a width is not specified for the tag list
 |> type, every time ?.It? is invoked, an attempt
 |Even if we would want lists with non-uniform indentation, binding
 |that to the default widths of the first macros renders the feature
 |practically useless, and besides, i don't consider changing indentation
 |within a list typographically sound.  It will confuse manual readers

I agree with the first, but not with the latter.  Having
a definition list with some few first words in a different style,
e.g., bold or emphasized, than directly following text in the same
paragraph block, i.e., term and definition, or tag and text, in
the same paragraph, is pretty common, i think.

That, however, is not possible with .Bl, and a quick look last
week showed that it cannot be implemented easily for the very same
reason that forces mdocmx to produce link references as suffixes,
not prefixes.
Just my one cent.


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