On 26/02/16 15:56, Anton Shterenlikht wrote:
> I've a document that is built with pdfroff.
> I use mspdf macro package and also PSPIC.
> This results in a document with 3 extra
> pages after the cover page, where all PostScript
> files, mentioned in PSPIC requests are shown:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/coarrays/svn/HEAD/tree/head/doc/doc.pdf
> All my sources are at:
> https://sourceforge.net/p/coarrays/svn/HEAD/tree/head/doc/
> Is my cover.ps wrong?
> Or perhaps pdfmark is incompatible with pspic?

More likely PSPIC doesn't play nicely with pdfroff's crude, and
extremely hackish method of relocating tables of content, which have
been generated for output by ms' .TC; (I'm thinking, specifically, that
PSPIC may emit output to the "paper", even when the typesetter is in
"pen up" mode, where pdfroff expects nothing but entirely blank pages,
which it suppresses, preceding the table of contents itself).

What happens if you run pdfroff with its --no-toc-relocation option?


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