On Mar 07  17:26 +0000, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
> Here's three lines of output from fgrep after I indicate end of file to
> tbl with Ctrl-D, shown as ^D.
>     $ tbl | fgrep .UR
>     .TS
>     tab(/);
>     l l.
>     foo/bar
>     .UR foo:///bar
>     .UE
>     \&.UR/as text
>     .TE
>     ^D
>     .nr 3w0 \n[3w0]>?\w\[tbl]\&.UR\[tbl]
>     .UR foo:///bar
>     \&\h'|\n[3cl0]u'\&.UR\h'|\n[3cl1]u'as text
>     $

i don't know what to make of this. you're using '/' as separator, that
doesn't make it easy. and you have foo:///bar (3 forward slashes), is that
a typo or was it intended?

> That shows the `\&.UR/as text' is treated as two columns of plain text
> whereas `.UR foo:///bar' has been passed through unaltered for troff to
> see.
> I'm still not clear what you are trying to achieve.  Do you wish `.UR'
> to appear in the table as text?  If so, use \&.  Or do you want a URL to
> appear in the table, using .UR?
> Cheers, Ralph.

latter, i want URL to appear in the table, using .UR.

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