On Mar 04  20:29 -0800, Dale Snell wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Mar 2015 18:41:12 -0500, in message
> 20150304234112.GC654@vpn.5665sherbrooke.house, SGT. Garcia wrote:
> > short of wrapping text in a text blocks i can't use any of the macros
> > in man.tmoc; in particular .UR/.UE and .MT/ME. is this intended
> > behaviour?
> I'm afraid I don't understand what you're asking.  What isn't
> working with the -man macros, and what does it have to do with the
> tbl pre-processor?
> Tell us the effect you're trying to achieve and how you're trying
> to do it.  A snippet of code would help, too.  That should give us
> enough to be able to help you.

hello Dale,
sorry for being too short. in the following (abbreviated) .UR can not be
used out side of the T{...T} block. or else it's interpreted literally:

.mso man.tmac
.fam A
.ps -4
.vs -4
.TH Résumé CS
tab(:) center;
l l l l.
It is neither this nor that while it's both this and that
.UR http://example.com

is that intended?
> FWIW, if you're not familiar with it, the troff.org web site
> <http://troff.org/papers.html> has lots of information that can be a
> real help.
> --Dale

i always google around before asking. in the link you posted searching for
.UR in this:

didn't return anything either. make me think that it could be a silly 

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