Hi Robert,

On Thu, Sep 18 2014 at 05:25:40 AM, Robert Bocchino <bocch...@icloud.com> wrote:
> Attached for your review is a suggested patch to post-html.cpp.  The
> motivation is that grohtml occasionally bungles the formatting of
> indented lists.  Bug 30043 seems related, although that one is focused
> mainly on interactions with -mdoc.  -ms is what I use for my
> day-to-day formatting.
> Please note that I have in no way adequately tested this.  I've just
> tried out a few examples, and they seem to work.  I realize that
> grohtml has to work with lots of macro packages, is doing a lot of
> complicated stuff only some of which I've been able to figure out so
> far, etc.  Any suggestions about how to do proper regression testing
> on this or other patches would be most welcome!  Also suggestions on
> the patch itself are welcome.  As I mentioned before, my goal is to
> eventually learn enough about how grohtml works that I can do active
> development on it.
> Anyway, let me know what you think.

I am not qualified to review your patch because I haven't studied
grohtml's code, but I've tested it on the few .html files that are built
by default in the 'doc' directory from pic.ms and webpage.ms, there are
a few .html pages impacted but the result is unchanged, I haven't seen
any regression.


Bertrand Garrigues

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