> ... Would be a good thing but has to have a new name (other than .ul).
> Preferable with more than two characters.

The .ul macro dates back to nroff which was aimed at impact printers and where
underlining was (almost) the only option and the intention was to replace
manual typing.  My first use of nroff was on daisy wheel printers; we were
grateful for  .ul .

        "Backward Compatibility" is simply another way of saying "all bugs are
        Define the difference between a Feature and a Bug.
        10 points

Oh, the memories ...  I am pretty sure I once used a specialized teletype that
actually supported 2 fonts, using the ShiftIn and ShiftOut ASCII characters.
See  ascii(7) .

During that same era, Bell Labs had special groups of "mathematical typists"
who used "mathematical typewriters".

I once wrote a Fortran program that drove a pen-plotter to create pages of
mathematics very similar to those produced by Mathematics Typing, making it
easier to edit them over time.  5 punched cards produced 1 line of output.
I wonder if I still have a deck ;)

 Mike Bianchi
 Foveal Systems

 973 822-2085


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