James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org>: > Hmm, seems to me every document is presentation-centric, depending on > what that means. Are you suggesting Postscript and PDF are not long > for this world? Are we doomed to the eyesores produced by > lousy-browser ebook readers?
Oh, no. I think Postscript/PDF have a *long* future ahead of them. What I don't believe is that there will ever again be enough demand for printer-*only* output to justify markup formats and toolchains that don't also do web and ePub or functional equivalent. I lean heavily on asciidoc these days. It's been years since I wrote anything in [nt]roff; instead, if that's needed, I use a stylesheet to make [nt]roff from asciidoc. Bear in mind that I've been pretty good at [nt]roff since around 1982 and a groff contributor since...um, 1992 or thereabouts? So it's not like I don't know the [nt]roff model intimately. I do, and I think it's headed the way of the quill pen and the slate, and I won't miss it much when it goes. I have better tools now; troff is just another intermediate output format. I'd miss pic, though. I like pic. I'd like to decouple pic from troff and save it. That would take some redesign near font specifications. > > The one thing I thing we could usefully salvage from the groff model > > is the notion of stacked DSLs for special formatting tasks - pic, eqn, > > grap, chem and the like. > > Yes, yes! Say it, bother! Rebarbative it may be, but at least troff > syntax was intended human beings to use. Sorry, I think asciidoc syntax beats the crap out of troff syntax along every axis, including usability. Time passes. Progress gets made. > Nothing stands in the way of another post-processor, groxslfo, right? No, but it's unnecessary work. I think the energy would be better spent making fop work and making every former groff preprocessor speak XSL-FO. And making stylesheets that really sing. And native UTF-8 all the way through. > I wonder what presentation-centric -- I think you mean "paper-centric" > -- features troff is beholden to. What is different about nonpaper > devices, that prevents troff by design from producing documents for > them? Oh, Goddess. Page one, chapter one...go take a long look at doclifter. Contemplate the huge baroque baby AI I had to write to extract decent structure from troff markups. Those "page-centric" assumptions go way deeper and cause way more problems than you realize. I speak with authority here, having been the guy who *solved* this problem after the XML-Docbook crowd told me it was impossible. They were wrong, but they weren't far from being right. -- <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>