On 2/1/14, Walter Alejandro Iglesias <e...@roquesor.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014, Werner Lemberg wrote:
>>> Given today's memory abundance and the high velocity of CPUs, the
>>> ideal route would be to implement a document-wide algorithm for
>>> typesetting a document (in contrast to TeX's page-wide approach).
> You want more features because you have more memory, and you want more
> memory because you want more features.

My system has scandalously little physical memory for a machine in 2014,
but I would still love to have a document-wide formatting algorithm
available in groff.  As long as groff provided the choice to optimize
for either minimizing resource usage or maximizing quality of output,
I could run in the former mode during development and then have the
final document prepared in the latter mode overnight.

In other words, I want this feature because I covet higher quality output,
not because I have all this memory lying around I don't know what else
to do with.

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