Hi, > The commands you send to me works fine for me too. My point is: in > place of: > $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X > it would be much faster and easier to write > $ printf 'testé' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X > but this command doesn't work
troff takes ISO-8859-1 as its default input. If you want to feed it UTF-8 then look at groff's -k option. Try printf 'testé\n' | groff -k -me -X > I don't understand what is the use of -mlatin9 because > $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X > ...give the same result as > $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -X troff's default for input is ISO-8859-1. 9 is very similar to 1 so you aren't seeing any differences in your test. Using a Euro symbol may help. Cheers, Ralph.