Dear Ralph, 

thanks a lot for writing to me and to take time to answer my questions. 
Thanks too for your command-lines, very useful for mailing!
I hope you will understand very soon what I'm looking for. 

The commands you send to me works fine for me too. My point is: 
in place of:
$ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X
it would be much faster and easier to write
$ printf 'testé' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X
but this command doesn't work 

With -man, it is possible:
printf 'testé' | groff -man -Tlatin1

I don't understand what is the use of -mlatin9 because
$ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X

...give the same result as
$ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -X

Thank you for your patience
Cheers, Grégoire

Le mardi 30 juillet 2013 à 14:42 +0100, Ralph Corderoy a écrit :
> Bonjour Grégoire,
> > groff -me -Tlatin1 fichier
> > 1. Fonctionne partiellement, seuls certains signes sont pris en compte. 
> > 2. On obtient pas du Postscript, mais du texte...
> These work fine for me;  given them a try.  Could it be you are feeding
> groff UTF-8 in error?
>     $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 -X
>     $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mlatin9 >
>     $ printf 'test\xe9\n' | groff -me -mfr >
> Cheers, Ralph.

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