>  |I protest against this bullshit and use long macro names.  So the
>  |weak commercial roff programs should see where they are.  Forget
>  |about them.
> Wow!  Are you willing to overcome one restriction all roffs afaik have
> and that makes me write terrible crap like
> \\*[S:LIST_ITEM_DESC\\n[S:#LIST_LVL]]\\h'|\\n[S:#LIST_SEP\\n[S:#LIST_LVL]]u'\
>   \\h'-\\w' 'u'
> i.e., let me write \*[ITEM] even if that was a macro not a string.
> (Or has something adorable happened since then.)

I don't understand your (probably sarcastic?) comment.  That \*[ITEM]
can call either a macro or a string is a feature which can be useful


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