> Producing PostScript with hyphenation via -mru and -Tps options is
> smooth.  Thanks to the guy who made an entry on the groff wiki
> concerning this topic.

You might also have a look at


> I also succeeded with adding cyrillic fonts from AMS Fonts and cmcyr
> packages.

It would be great if you can share your results here, on this list.

> Sadly, I couldn't get cyrillic hyphenation with DVI backend.  It
> works fine for the latin and DVI, it works fine for cyrillic and PS,
> but it doesn't works for cyrillic and DVI.  When I supply -mru
> option together with -Tdvi, nothing happens and hyphenation seems
> not to work.

Example file, please, together with the necessary files and an
explanation how you've set up your stuff.

> I guess, choosing DVI backend somehow changes hyphenation settings.

I can't imagine that.  Contrary to TeX, hyphenation happens at input
time, working in a device independent way.


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