The most easy way IMHO is to create a postscript file
and include that.


Am 08.08.2011 00:41, schrieb
> Hi,
> Thanks everyone. Just i would to get the groff man's from some Gnu/Linux
> utilities and convert to a unified LaTex file. The purpose is as 'appendix'
> for a book on Gnu/Linux. So, i'll like to change headers, convert to two
> columns, etc...
> thanks again,
> Steve,
> 2011/8/4 Ralph Corderoy <>
>> Hi Clarke,
>>> It's not apparent to me why you'd want to.
>> I'm guessing the Steve has to produce a LaTeX document for some reason,
>> like journal publication, and part of that is intended to be the man
>> page for a program.  I agree though, it may help to know his reasons in
>> more detail.
>> Cheers, Ralph.

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