On 08/04/2011 09:24 AM, steve.gnuli...@gmail.com wrote:
Is there a way to convert a man source to a LaTex typesetting?
ex: /usr/share/man/man1/vim.1.gz, -> convert vim1.gz to something like
thank you,
It's not apparent to me why you'd want to. vim1.gz is compressed.
Uncompress and it should become vim.1.
Run groff -man vim.1 and you should get a PostScript file. Why
not print that? I see no value in going to LaTex, but then I've
never used it either.
Clarke aka "The Bricktator" in my earlier HP life
(The "brick was the HP-UX reference/manpages (a 10-pound solid
pack of 3000 pages tightly sealed in plastic wrapper), and "tator"
refers to my autocratic management style. :-) )