Ralph Corderoy:

> Is  it non-standard?  I thought the normal way was
> to set up two passes,  or  more  strictly  a  loop
> until  everything settles down into place, as this
> is how TeX does it too IIRC.  Not that  TeX's  way
> of doing anything necessarily makes it right.  ;-)

I  meant,  non-standard  for  *roff, as it was first
designed to be a fast  one-pass  formatter.  In  TeX
world, indeed, two passes are usual and an iterative
algorithm (taking place within one pass) is used  to
adjust paragraphs beautifully.

Of  course,  performace problems have much decreased
since those days and I was only afraid of the possi-
ble   complications   that  would  impose  upon  the
toolchain. If to make it smart, using  a  tool  that
would  allow  for abstraction from the gory details,
as Mike Bianchi has suggested, that would be great.


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