Hi Deri,

> In a pdf every page is an object and the page order is given in an
> array called "kids" which is an attribute of the "pages" object. So to
> reorder the pages in a pdf is simply a case of reordering this array
> before it is written to the file. Currently I just push each new page
> onto the end of the kids array, but it might be better to introduce a
> pair of "\X pdf:" commands which alter the insertion point for all
> following pages. Something along the lines of:-
> \X pdf: pagename <name> \" name a location in the file
> \X pdf: switchtopage (before|after) <name> \" start inserting pages 
> before/after the named page.

Would it be better to leave the re-ordering to external utilities, e.g.
the pdftk package


on the basis of do one small thing and do it well?

Cheers, Ralph.

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