Hi list, After printing my document i found that \_ does not do what i expected. the line is to high more like - than _. After reading the UTP book again i got the inpression that \$_ will do what i want but that resulted in "bad argument name `_'"
Then i tried \R_ what is very near what i would like to have. (i also tried \R\(ru). I have a simple table here that describes what i want. I need some empty lines to people can write some remarks in that line. Is there a simple way to do that ? re, wh .TS tab(|); l l l. Device | Serial | Remark _ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |11111111111111111 |\_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |11111111111111111 |\_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |11111111111111111 |\_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |11111111111111111 |\_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxx |11111111111111111 |\_ .TE