> Anything that means troff isn't first in the pipeline causes groff's
> pipeline.c to trample troff's FD 0.
>     $ groff -V -Tascii <(printf 'a\n.rd\nb\n')
>     troff -Tascii /dev/fd/63 | grotty
>     $ groff -V -Tascii -t <(printf 'a\n.rd\nb\n')
>     tbl /dev/fd/63 | troff -Tascii | grotty
>     $
> It seems [gn]roff's pipelining building can be incompatible with
> .rd.

Since .rd use stdin, isn't it incompatible in general with pipelining?

> Should this be noted somewhere, including outside of TeXinfo.

Could you provide a patch?


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