Hi Pierre-Jean,

> Thanks a lot for this example, Ralph.
> But I can't reproduce it:
>   $ nroff main.tr <data | cat -s
>   A.  B.  C.  D.
>   $
> Something is probably misconfigured in my groff installation, but I
> can't find what...
> ...
> PS: I am using groff 1.20.1 from archlinux repositories.

I'd guess your distribution is patching groff in some way?  I've tried

    Ubuntu 8.04, GNU troff (groff) version 1.18.1
    Ubuntu 9.10, GNU troff (groff) version 1.20.1


    printf 'foo\n\n' | nroff <(printf 'a\n.rd\nb\n') | grep .

produces "a foo b".  A friend's tried that on his ArchLinux and it also
works.  Another friend has tried on OpenBSD and it works, but on

    Fedora, version

he gets "a b" which suggests .rd has the same problem for him there as
it has for you.  Perhaps Fedora and ArchLinux have a patch in common for
some versions?

I don't know much about ArchLinux but I'd suggest obtaining the source
of the package you're using.  You'll probably find it's a verbatim groff
release by Werner and a bunch of patches.  .rd is handled in
src/roff/troff/input.cc by read_request().


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