Werner LEMBERG wrote:

Secondly, I couldn't find where the DD register is documented.
It's present neither in the MS man page nor in the groff online

Agreed; there needs to be an entry in the "Document control
registers" section of 'man groff_ms' (which does have an entry for
PD, etc.).

Larry, may I ask you to provide a patch for groff_ms.man?


Note that DD also applies to equations, tables, and pictures (pic) as well as displays. At least that's what the source code says. :-)


Index: groff_ms.man
RCS file: /sources/groff/groff/tmac/groff_ms.man,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 groff_ms.man
--- groff_ms.man        5 Jan 2009 20:11:16 -0000       1.24
+++ groff_ms.man        10 Mar 2010 01:57:46 -0000
@@ -252,6 +252,7 @@
 lfCW l  l  l.
 Reg.   Definition      Effective       Default
+DD     Display, table, eqn, pic spacing        next para.      0.5v
 MINGW  Minimum width between columns   next page       2n

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