On 05-Mar-10 14:32:27, Anton Shepelev wrote:
> Hello all,
> I  was experimenting with displays in groff (nroff
> mode) and found found a problem. Whenever I  begin
> a  new paragraph after a display, the vertical in-
> dent after the display is twice the  normal  size.
> Below  is  an  example for the MS macro's .LD dis-
> play:
>   .LP
>   Test paragraph. The following display
>   will be indented normally
>   .LD
>   The display. The following paragraph
>   will be indented twice.
>   .DE
>   .LP
>   The paragraph.
> And here's the result:
>   Test paragraph.  The  following  display  will  be
>   indented normally
>   The display. The following paragraph
>   will be indented twice.
>   The paragraph.
> A similar behaviour is  found  in  ME's  quotation
> display  (.(q.  ...  .)q).  Am  I  doing something wrong?
> Thanks in advance,
> Anton

If you are using ms macros, then there are two number registers
to watch out for: \n[PD] "paragraph drop" and \n[DD] "display
drop". \n[PD] defines how much vertical space will be inserted
before starting a new paragraph. \n[DD] defines how much vertical
space will be inserted before *and after* a display.

So your .DE followed by .LP will insert \n[DD]+\n[PD] between
the bottom of the display and the top of the new paragraph.

Speaking for myself, I set all these drops to zero, so that there
is no inserted spacing; if I need it, I insert it explicitly.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <ted.hard...@manchester.ac.uk>
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Date: 05-Mar-10                                       Time: 19:51:57
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