Today I reported the miscompiled eqn in 1.19.2 to Apple.
The bug report number is Bug ID# 6265830

Bob Marks
>On Sep 30, 2008, at 6:14 AM, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
>> Is there somewhere to raise bugs with Apple so it might get addressed
>> sometime?
>Apparently, one needs to register as an Apple Developer.
>There is a free registration option.
>I intend to do that for a long time already, but for some reason never  
>found enough motivation to actually fill the form.
>If nobody else on the list has registered already, I could try to  
>motivate myself over the weekend.
>> It keeps cropping up from time to time.  Was it some
>> bison/yacc problem?  I can't recall.
>I'm not sure what exactly the problem was.
>I bet a mail list search or Google search could answer that.
>That should be an easy part.
>I think that even filing a report with sample inputs from this thread  
>and the output one gets on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) should be a good  
>amount of information for Apple to work on.
>       Zvezdan

Robert MARKS, Economics/ALL/AGSM Bldg,
              ASB, UNSW SYDNEY, NSW 2052,
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