> > It is a mix. Using -mdoc I get warnings like: > > > > Not a \-mdoc command: .LP (#2959) > > Not a \-mdoc command: .SH (#2972) > > mdoc warning: Empty input line #2973 > > > Been having a look at this, and my impression is that switching back > and forth between two macro packages that haven't been explicitly > designed to cooperate isn't something to be recommended in general. > > Nevertheless, apart from some strange behavior of the macros > themselves [it seems to me that the BSD macros do not start a new > page for a new entry -- is this really intended?]
I'm not sure. However, since it is plain ugly, I'll change that to start a new page. > and a bug in an-old.tmac [where it says ".nr FT -.5i" it should > really be ".nr FT 0-.5i"] Fixed. > I've (mostly) gotten it to work (I think) with the following package > switcher, to be used instead of andoc.tmac. Thanks! Will inspect it soon more closely. > What still doesn't always work are the page footers -- when > switching from man to doc or vice versa, the last footer will > already be in the style of the new package. Fixing this isn't > impossible, but it will probably require modifying the > initialization procedures in doc.tmac and an-old.tmac (I haven't yet > attempted to do this). OK. I think this is a harmless degradation. > By the way, the "input stack limit exceeded" problem was a result of > page footer traps from both macro packages being active at the same > time. Yes, I've suspected the same. > .\" andoc.tmac -- load either an-old.tmac or doc.tmac. > .if !\n(.g .ab These macros require groff. > .de reload-doc > .ch an-header \" remove trap set by an-old.tmac > .ch an-footer \" remove trap set by an-old.tmac > .ch an-p-footer \" remove trap set by an-old.tmac > .rm Dd > .do mso doc.tmac > .ds str-dfp NAME\" this triggers setup-header > .Dd \\$* > .do als TH reload-man > .. > .de reload-man > .ch header \" remove trap set by doc.tmac > .ch footer \" remove trap set by doc.tmac > .rm RI \" disable load-only-once, see an-old.tmac > .rn e@ em \" doc.tmac disables end-macro defining > .rm TH > .do so an-old.tmac > .TH \\$* > .do als Dd reload-doc > .. > .als TH reload-man > .als Dd reload-doc > .\" dummy equation macros -- eqnrc is read before .TH or .Dd is parsed. > .de EQ > .. > .de EN > ..