> > Uh!  That appears to be a bug in the way "-man" is being used
> > (by sourcing andoc.tmac, which then again sources an-old.tmac
> > in some bizarre fashion).  The following works for me:
> > 
> >   zcat /usr/share/man/man8/*.gz |
> >     groff -Tps -t -man-old -rC1 >acro.ps            
> This does finish and they are numbered but now the formatting
> is broken.  Text all dumped to page without any section
> headers, missing content, unusable.

Do all the manpages use the classical "man" markup, or do they
use the "doc" macros?  If the latter, then "an-old.tmac" is
not the correct package to load, and "doc.tmac" must be used.
Deciding which one to load is exactly what "andoc.tmac" (via
"an.tmac") was supposed to do (but the implemented solution
was perhaps not quite optimal).

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