On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 01:33:19PM +0100, Dan H wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2008 12:35:05 +0100
> Joerg van den Hoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 10:22:12AM +0100, Dan H wrote:
> > > I use groff
> > > with the mm package (because it is, as far as I know, the only
> > > one that offers nested lists).
> > I'm sure, `ms' provides everything you'd need as well.
> I like ms better in general, but this is all its manpage has to say
> about lists:
> --------------------
> Lists
>        The IP macro handles duties for all lists.  Its syntax is as
> follows:
>        .IP [marker [width]]
>               The marker is usually a bullet character \(bu for
> unordered lists, a number (or auto-incrementing  num??? ber register)
> for numbered lists, or a word or phrase for indented (glossary-style)
> lists.
>               The  width specifies the indent for the body of each
> list item.  Once specified, the indent remains the same for all list
> items in the document until specified again.
> --------------------
> That's exactly all. Not even how to make a list item, how to end a
> list, or if ot is possible to nest them. For practical purposes lists
> are non-existent in ms.

what do you need? I'm rather content with, e.g.

.IP 1.
this is my first entry
.IP 2.
this is the second
.IP a)
which can include a sublist
.IP b)
with more text
.IP 3.
before this goes on.

otherwise I'd rather use `tbl' to "keep things together".

for convenience I have defined some
private ms-macros `BP', `NP', `RNP' as below:

.de BP
.\"a simple one
.   IP \(bu
   autonumbered indented paragraph.
   usage: like .IP (but marker generated automatically)
   set/reset variables with '.RNP'.
.de NP
.\"call: .NP some_text (more or less as second argument of IP call).
.\"'some_text' is appended to the autoincremented marker.
.\" absence of 'np_defa_init taken' as evidence that RNP has never been called:
.   if !d np_defa_format  .RNP
.   IP "\\*[np_delim_1]\\n+[np_air]\\*[np_delim_2]  \\$1" \\*[np_indent]
.de RNP
.\"call: .RNP  np_format  np_delim_2  np_delim_1 np_indent np_init
.\"set/reset variables for the 'NP' macro.
.\"arguments are  optitional (and default to 1 '.', '', \\n[PI], and 0, 
.\"'np_format' is any of the number register formats known to groff (e.g. 'i' 
or 'I'
.\"for lower or upper case roman numerals). 'np_delim_2' and 'np_delim_1' 
.\"are trailing and leading delimiters for the autoincrement register.
.\"please note the order of appearance. 
.\"'np_indent is the indent for IP
.\"'np_init' is the initial value of the autoincrement register.
.\" defaults definition:
.   if !d np_defa_format  .ds np_defa_format    1
.   if !d np_defa_delim_2 .ds np_defa_delim_2   .
.   if !d np_defa_delim_1 .ds np_defa_delim_1
.   if !d np_defa_indent  .ds np_defa_indent    \\n[PI]u
.   if !r np_defa_init    .nr np_defa_init      0
.   ie '\\$1'' \{\
.      ds np_format \\*[np_defa_format]
.   el \{\
.      ds np_format \\$1
.   ie '\\$2'' \{\
.      ds np_delim_2 \\*[np_defa_delim_2]
.   el \{\
.      ds np_delim_2 \\$2
.   ie '\\$3'' \{\
.      ds np_delim_1 \\*[np_defa_delim_1]
.   el \{\
.      ds np_delim_1 \\$3
.   ie '\\$4'' \{\
.      ds np_indent \\*[np_defa_indent]
.   el \{\
.      ds  np_indent \\$4
.   ie '\\$5'' \{\
.      nr np_init \\n[np_defa_init]
.   el \{\
.      nr  np_init \\$5
.   nr np_air \\n[np_init] 1
.   af np_air \\*[np_format]

they are rather q&d but suit me fine. especially for simply auto-numbering

some text
more text
start new numbering
and so forth
.RNP I .) (
use different
.NP "maybe augment with more information here
numbering scheme

maybe you can modify these macros to your needs.

> > .pl 500c
> > 
> > (assuming  a  5 meter long page is enough :-) ) and chop off
> > trailing empty lines in  the  end.
> OK, I got so far as well, but there must be a proper way to get rid
> of pagination. I mean, man pages are not paginated, but I couldn't
> get my head around the man tmac code to find out how they turn it
> off.
> > in `troff' with 
> > 
> > .po 0i
> Yeah, found that by now. Thanks.
> --D.

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