On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 10:22:12AM +0100, Dan H wrote:
>        Hello all,
>        As my job frequently requires me to write highly structured,
>        long emails, I???ve discovered groff to be the perfect tool for
>        me. This email is an example of how I use groff with the mm
>        package (because it is, as far as I know, the only one that
>        offers nested lists). However, there are a couple of things

I'm sure, `ms' provides everything you'd need as well.

>        that I???d like to do to make things perfect:
>          1.  Turn off pagination. Like I said, it???s mostly for
>              email and therefore doesn???t require separate pages. I
>              don???t know how the man formatter does it.

I'd set

.pl 500c

(assuming  a  5 meter long page is enough :-) ) and chop off
trailing empty lines in  the  end.   actually,  for  similar
purposes as you have in mind I simply use

cat my_file | groff -Tlatin1 -ms | tr -s '\n'

which  simply  squeezes  consecutive blank lines to a single
one (and thus takes care of trailing empty lines as well).

>          2.  Foreign languages: How can I load different
>              hyphenation patterns, if they exist?
>          3.  UTF???8 support: It seems that with "???T utf8", groff
>              spits out utf???8 but only accepts latin???1 as input. Is
>              there a way to make groff accept utf???8 as input as
>              well? Will there be support for utf???8 fonts in PS
>              output?
>          4.  Left margin: How can it be turned off or made smaller?

in `troff' with 

.po 0i

in `ms' with

.nr PO 0i

in `mm' there should be something similar.



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