On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 09:35:52PM +0100, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > I get garbled output (text is eliminated by some "censor").  I'm
> > usually using MacOSX and the problem occurs
> > 
> > -- with the native terminal app of Apple
> > -- with xterm
> > -- with rxvt
> > 
> > I now checked it, too, under Sun/Solaris: same thing both with xterm
> > and rxvt.  so it's not a MacOSX problem, it seems.
> xterm (version 203) works just fine on my GNU/Linux box, using
> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 and GROFF_NO_SGR=yes.  Same thing with
> LANG=en_US.iso88591.
> However, I can confirm your problem with xterm if GROFF_NO_SGR is not
> set.  Hmm.  Looks like a bug in xterm and derived terminals...

can be, although I believe that `rxvt',  at least, is completely idependent
of `xterm', sharing no code whatsoever (not sure about apple's terminal app,
but I would guess it has not much to do with `xterm' either).

could you give me a tip, first: what is the GROFF_NO_SGR
variable for? should I know about it?

> Can you file a bug report to the xterm people?

no problem, if need be. are your reasonable sure that the
problem is in their corner? what should I report, exactly? send
the nroff output along?



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