On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 02:52:56PM +0100, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> > I now encounter the situation where the `nroff' output starts to
> > switch the background colour to black (or whatever: there are black
> > rectangles instead of readable text) after it encounters some pic
> > code in the document.
> >
> > as an example I've included a simple example. if you format this with
> >
> >   pic tt.tr | nroff -ms
> >
> > you should see what I mean (and this is one of the more benign
> > cases: a bit of the pic output is still recognizable).
> It works just fine for me.  Below is the result as displayed
> with
>   groff -Tlatin1 -p -ms tt.tr
> and then the same with
>   pic tt.tr | nroff -ms | less
> as displayed on a Unicode terminal.

your output  looks better. may I have it? :-)

> > what about the "censoring" of the document text?
> What do you mean?

I get garbled output (text is eliminated by some "censor").
I'm usually using MacOSX and the problem occurs

-- with the native terminal app of Apple
-- with xterm
-- with rxvt

I now checked it, too, under Sun/Solaris: same thing both with xterm and rxvt.
so it's not a MacOSX problem, it seems.

I attach a small .png file hoping that it comes through (otherwise
please let me know and I'll send it off-list) for demonstration of the



Attachment: Picture1.png
Description: PNG image

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