hi Larry,
i thing chris has a more basic problem
the last time i need .TS H i needed also the -ms macroset.
tbl alone did not help (yes, it was an older version)

i used: groff -t -ms -Tps my.tbl

(shorten version of cause in real it is:
cat <<EOF |  groff -P-l -t -ms -Tps | /usr/local/bin/lpr


Larry Kollar wrote:
>> According to page 6 of the document "tbl - A program to Format Tables"
>> by M.E. Lesk, tbl is supposed to handle:-
>> .TS H
>> page heading text
>> .TH
>> How do I get this to work? I keep getting:-
>> ...:2: unrecognised format 'p'
>> ...:2: giving up on this table
> I was about to ask you for a sample, but I think I see what's happening. You 
> need to specify global options and column layouts before the table headings. 
> This is the kind of thing I do a lot at work:
> .TS H
> allbox expand tab(@);
> cb cb
> l l .
> .TH
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] the hard drive.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] the world.
> .TE
> The line "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is the table heading; it gets printed in bold 
> and 
> centered within the column.
> Hope that helps!
> -- Larry

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