Hi Gunnar,

> > > > We definitely need a good guide for writing man pages, based on
> > > > our discussion -- something like a man-to-html.howto.  This
> > > > guide should contain (as an appendix) those macro definitions
> > > > which a man writer can then simply copy and paste.

Agreed.  I've been meaning to add stuff to troff.org about man pages for
ages.  IIRC there's a HOWTO in the Linux Documentation Project about
writing man pages.  And there's Larry's Effective Man Pages too.

> > -- something SourceForge doesn't support yet nicely, AFAIK.  This
> > could be done within the groff wiki quite easily:
> >
> >   http://www.groff-wiki.info/
> The site does not even purport to independent from groff.

I'm happy to make the document viewable from troff.org in order that it
isn't seen as groff-specific.  Promoting man page writing is a good way
to introduce today's programmers to the pleasure of troff.

> As I said, I am willing to contribute, but only to a serious project -
> an implementation-independent document with an editor, releases, and
> textual source code in a version control system - do not expect me to
> spend my time with Wiki fiddling.

It can't be too hard to find a VCS that doesn't want to restrict the



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