
> Am Monday 12 June 2006 14:43 schrieb Tadziu Hoffmann:
> > The following works:

Thank you very much, Tadziu.  It works, and now the next problem
arises... :)

Am Dienstag, 13. Juni 2006 07:56 schrieb Rüdiger Härtel:
> The following didn't work. Seems I am missing something
> .eo
> .de ATABLE ..
> The 'Text2;\2' is printed but it is not within the table. It seems
> that the semicolon is not recognized.

I am missing something too which perhaps is a problem of the escaping
mechanism and seems to me like somewhat related to Rüdigers point. -
When I define

        .ds MAP .PIMG -R /(...PATH...)/bit.png

then in html I geht that bit.png with \*[MAP].  But not inside the ATABLE
macro.  Here

        .ATABLE \*[MAP]  (and .ATABLE "\*[MAP]" etc.)

outputs the text of the definition, not the defined bit.png, i.e.

        .PIMG -R /(...PATH...)/bit.png

inside the table.  I tried with different escapings, setting .ec §
instead of .eo and .cc % .  But perhaps this is wanting to much?


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