Am Monday 12 June 2006 14:43 schrieb Tadziu Hoffmann: > The following works: > > > .\" tbl > .eo > .de ATABLE .. > .TS > allbox tab(;); > cl. > \$1;\$2 > .TE > ... > .ec > .ATABLE A table > .ATABLE Another table > .ATABLE And "another one" >
Hello, this is interesting. At the moment I am in the need of exactly the same thing. So this comes in handy. However I want to have a variable parameter list. At maximum I can have up to 10 parameters. Each parameter opens a new row. If the Parameter is empty the do not open a new row. The following didn't work. Seems I am missing something .eo .de ATABLE .. .TS allbox tab(;); cl. Text1;\$1 .if !'\$2'' Text2;\$2 .TE ... .ec .ATABLE A table .ATABLE Another table abc The 'Text2;\2' is printed but it is not within the table. It seems that the semicolon is not recognized. Any suggestions. -- with best regards / salutations distinguées / Cordiali Saluti / med vänliga hälsningar / mit freundlichen Gruessen Ruediger Haertel +=========================================================== | port GmbH phone +49 345 77755-0 | D-06132 Halle/Saale mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Germany | CAN Wiki | ETHERNET Powerlink | Newsletter: +=========================================================== _______________________________________________ Groff mailing list