> When implementing a feature requires less work than a few
> workarounds, isn't it time to implement the feature :-) ?

Hehe.  Have a look at this ooooold patch which I've received six years
ago from Abramo.

I then hesitated to add it to groff because it adds code which
produces platform-dependent results, and meanwhile I completely forgot
about it until now.  According to Nelson Beebe's excellent book on
`hoc', the high-order calculator (see
http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/hoc/ and
http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/software/ieee/ -- I got a preprint of
his book, and I don't know whether it's already published) the
situation has become much better, and today most of the IEEE
implementations appear to work fine.

If you find it useful, and someone invests time to update the code to
the current CVS (*together* with updates to the various documentation
files -- this takes much more time than applying the patch itself),
I'll add it.


PS: Abramo, I need the usual FSF copyright assignment to do that.
    IIRC, I've asked you for this already but got no response.  The
    same is true for you Epson/Honeywell patch.

Attachment: groff-1.11-expr.patch.gz
Description: Binary data

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