> > 1. An acute accent is not a quoting character. Anyone using an
> >     acute accent for quoting is abusing this character.
> Agreed, Groff should be fixed. Also it probably should use Unicode
> bullets (not middle dots) for bullets.

I won't change the defaults.  From the PROBLEMS file:

  * The UTF-8 output of grotty has strange characters for the minus,
    the hyphen, and the right quote.  Why?

  The used Unicode characters (U+2212 for the minus sign and U+2010
  for the hyphen) are the correct ones, but many programs can't search
  them properly.  The same is true for the right quote (U+201D).  To
  map those characters back to the ASCII characters, insert the
  following code snippet into the `troffrc' configuration file:

    .if '\*[.T]'utf8' \{\
    .  char \- \N'45'
    .  char  - \N'45'
    .  char  ' \N'39'

Feel free to do similar things for all output you dislike.


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