>    For simplicity, they are the same.
> Apparently not, since I've uploaded a change to gnu.org which is
> not reflected at ffii.org.

They are the same, but I haven't set up a mirror.

> Do I need a seperate user name and password for ffii.org?

Yes.  I'll send you something.

>      . Copy `groff.html' to ffii.org.
> What is the path and access method for ffii.org?

Please explain.

> It seems a bit odd to have two seperate web sites.  One should be
> considered (and act as) a mirror of the other.

This would be the right procedure, but since the updates are so seldom
I've never bothered with learning some mirroring software.

> I could also have /software/groff at gnu.org removed, and update
> www.gnu.org to use ffii.org.

If possible I prefer to have the main repository at gnu.org.


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