>    > 2. Should it be GNU roff (or runoff), not GNU Troff?  Ditroff
>    > would probably be more appropriate if showing continuity.
>    In 25 years, I have never heard anyone in casual conversation
>    refer to it as "ditroff".  "T-roff" is a universal pronunciation,
>    and those who are conversant understand that it is
> I prefer GNU Roff.  My illustration of ditroff, troff, etc., was to
> demonstrate that the GNU edition of roff is distinct, with not just
> device independence, but also license independence (i.e.  GNU), and
> diverse formats (such as html, etc.).

I prefer GNU troff and to make a further distinction if necessary, GNU
nroff.  It has become quite common to name the program and prepend
`GNU'.  There isn't a `roff' program today, AFAIK.


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