Sadly, I fear that it's too late to really save groff... But the advantage of a GUI is that casual users could use the GUI and the rest of us could use real groff. It's hard to justify doc tools that are fairly complicated to use and known by very few these days...
I spend my days writing large, complex, highly-technical documents in Word for this reason. It's quite ugly, but we have to have documents that sales people and engineers and such can extract and "repurpose"... And young engineers don't know how to roff any more than the salespeople do ;-( --- Deri James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tuesday 18 Oct 2005 12:44, D. E. Evans wrote: > > > > > We had a discussion on this list a few months ago, that if anyone had > > > done a WYSIWYG front-end for groff years ago, it would be more viable for > > > the masses. Sigh. > > > > > Like all UNIX tools, the specialized ones are the most viable. I > > lament the day groff goes gui. However, I think that a seperate > > gui frontend is not a bad idea. > > > > I am not persuaded a gui would improve groff adoption (has LyX helped > LaTex?). > The power of groff, as a typesetting program, is in its speed and > scaleability. It quite happily gobbles up a 7GB '.trf' file producing > 900,000+ pages of coloured postscript in under 4 hours (always impresses > me!!). > > Cheers > > Deri > > > _______________________________________________ > Groff mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Groff mailing list